im钱包下载视频教学|doggy style是什么

作者: im钱包下载视频教学
2024-03-09 19:59:58

Doggy Style,帮你get到 - 知乎

Doggy Style,帮你get到 - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册Doggy Style,帮你get到克洛伊集团克洛伊集团致力布道两性文化——让所有人的亲密关系变得更好小狗式后入,人称doggy style。可能是所有体位中,被插入方的喜恶最为两极化的了。那一丝微妙的羞耻感,对有些人来说是隐秘的欢愉,对另一些人却是不快与冲击。经典的doggy style需要被插入方双膝跪于床上,以肘部支撑身体,将最私密的部分暴露在另一半眼前。这是个需要点信任的姿势,毕竟被插入方对身后的处境一无所知,她很难不感到忐忑。友情提醒:选择这种无法查看插入方状态的体位时,有必要先充分了解对方,或是定时确认对方是否摘套。而我,更愿意相信doggy style是一个属于「坏孩子」的冒险。其中有些狂野、有些调皮、还有些刺激,藏着渴望被征服的期待,还有无法被控制的自我。有时你想要一场含情脉脉、细致而甜蜜的性爱,而有时——即使你可能说不出口——你却渴望:粗野狂放,甚至只是单纯的肉体碰撞。这是否让你觉得可耻?又或许正是这种矛盾与张力,才放大了你的期待和激情?而对于插入方,它或许就没那么复杂了。Doggy style使插入方能看见被插入方摇摆的腰臀与吞吐,同时能够舒展背部,角度控制灵活自如,更是比其他体位都深入。因此不少插入方都喜欢这个姿势。性爱的探索应由你自己限定边界,而心灵上的结或许只有你自己能解。如果你渴望开启通往性愉悦的另一扇门,或许我能告诉你一些属于doggy style的小秘密。如果你是因膝盖疼痛而有所顾虑,可以试着准备一个更柔软的床垫,或是选择趴着的后入。将枕头放在你的骨盆下,可以让你感觉更舒适,同时使你的臀部向上倾斜,为你的另一半创造一个良好的角度。虽然这个姿势下你并没有多大主动权,但其实挺惬意的。侧身的后入也是个好选择,伴侣还可以将你拥入怀中。这两种后入方式很适合作为入门的初体验,它们不那么激烈,同时能保证一定温情的肢体接触。也有些被插入方拒绝它,是因为深入带来的不适。首先,无论何种体位,美妙的性爱缺不了充分的性唤起,动情湿润才能带来更好的体验,需要时可以用润滑剂辅助。如果你对强烈的撞击比较敏感,或你的伴侣实在雄伟,你可以试试在doggy style时并拢双腿,伴侣将腿置于两侧,这时ta的动作幅度受限,冲刺也会较为克制。你依然可以享受紧密贴合与摩擦的快感,伴侣则会感觉你更加紧致。在Doggy style中,其实被插入方相比传教士体位拥有更多主动权,能通过背部的伸展与臀部的高低来控制男性进入的角度和深度。但如果你渴望更多掌控,可以来一发骑士后入。跪着跨坐在伴侣身上,将手臂支撑于他的膝盖,或后仰倾斜从身后支撑,这时你便是一切的主导,而他需要膜拜你的掌握。总之,如果准备好了,可以和伴侣从普通的传教士体位开篇,渐入佳境后试探性地翻个身,引导对方进入这个压轴的「大餐」。最开始,你们需要注意把控节奏,试探彼此的承受度。但我仍认为真正的doggy style是一种直白而纯粹的肉欲体验,如同将欲望直接注入血管,正是在这样的映衬下,其他体位才黯然失色。但性是复杂的,它不仅有欲望的交错,对于许多人来说,爱意、温情、氛围、韵律、沟通,种种因素糅合才能诞生一次完美的xing爱。但谁知道呢?有时,我就是无法抵抗它的诱惑发布于 2023-06-26 17:29・IP 属地福建性行为​赞同 21​​添加评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请

5种最容易「到」的姿势,你喜欢哪一种~ - 知乎

5种最容易「到」的姿势,你喜欢哪一种~ - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册5种最容易「到」的姿势,你喜欢哪一种~知乎用户62wbNM大家好,我是白白。你跟另一半在一起多久啦~在大多数稳定的伴侣关系中,爱爱姿势可能并不会是经常讨论的话题。但一定有过提议:要不试试新姿势?不论什么时候,人们都喜欢舒适、风险性低的环境或者生活方式。例如,在我们不知道吃什么的时候更愿意去楼下熟悉的连锁餐厅,而隔壁新开的却不愿意去尝试。这种不自觉的行为实现了人类的一个主要目标:减轻压力。没错,这种舒适和稳定的渴望也适用于性。但它也是一把双刃剑。无聊往往导致人们“消极”性爱——明明是享受的过程,却变成了“交作业”、“交公粮”。但你们注意到没有,偶尔尝试一下新的姿势让性生活变得有滋味了。可能一开始有点难,但也不乏有趣,偶尔当做“副本任务”体验一下,主线的乐趣又回来了。接下来就给大家介绍5个最容易「到」的爱爱姿势,快来看看吧~~01传教士进阶版:盘腰式这个姿势跟传教士式有点相似,一样是男上女下的体位。女性颈下可以垫上枕头,两只腿夹着男方腰间,由男方作主导用力推进,这时女性要注意调节呼吸。深而慢的呼吸有助女性的高潮持续更久,相反太急速的呼吸经常让女性快要达到高潮一刻而瞬间逝去。简单来说,适当憋气有助于感觉的积累~~传统的传教士我们就不过多说明啦,如果你对传教士的来源以及更多变体姿势感兴趣,可以给我们留言哦,说不定下一期内容就是它~~02女上位:趴式转坐式女上位还有一个很酷的名字:女牛仔。当大家的兴致还未到位时,建议先做个趴式的女上男下的简单性爱体位,压着对方然后亲吻彼此的颈部,这个姿势对男方的刺激较少,持久性较佳,不会让男方进行得太快速。但身体的寸寸肌肤之亲,男性可就不一定扛得住哦。如果两个人缠绵的劲头来了,女性可以大胆一点掌握主动权,跨坐在他的身上,上下浮动。由女方控制大局,减慢他的进度,也是加快女性达到高潮的方法。这个动作对女性有一点小要求,一是有体力,二是腰部会动。平时可以学习下爵士舞之类的,增加了个人魅力,还能锻炼身体,何乐而不为呢~~03女上骑坐式在两人进行正式的插入行为前,建议可以先相互口爱,这是一个非常刺激的方法。很多女性单靠阴茎插入阴道,难以获得高潮。说回骑坐式,这个姿势跟一般女上位有点区别,女性骑坐在男方身上时,双腿应该弯曲,这样才能更有力量摆动。弯曲的姿势有助男方用手挑逗女性的阴蒂,因此能更快达到高潮。在具体实施的过程中,大家可以灵活一点,千万不要让你的手闲下来。女性在这个姿势中掌握了大部分的主动性,可以根据自己的感觉去调整动作幅度,可以在磨蹭、插入和摇晃各个动作中变换,关注自己的满意度,更快获得高潮。04汤勺式(侧入式)第一次听“汤勺式”这个词的时候,我也愣住了,这是什么高难度的姿势。别紧张,一点也不难。“汤勺式”又称后侧位、背面侧位。女性侧卧,将膝盖收起朝向胸前,稍微向后翘起臀部,男性由后侧进入。如果觉得不舒服,可以适当调整一下臀部的位置。同时,男方可以将手绕过女方腋下爱抚女性乳房。这个姿势特别适合不喜欢纯后入姿势的女性,那种直接进入的疼痛感在这个姿势会得到有效的缓解。这种变换的后入姿势,是G点刺激的最佳位置之一,因为整体缺少支撑力,所以男性的动作幅度会小一些,因此在高潮之前,处于这种姿势的性爱可能会持续更长时间。从示意图不难看出来,这个姿势最适合伴侣双方身高、体型有差异的。如果男性偏瘦,女性又比较丰满的话,可能会增加实操难度哦。但是,这个姿势,绝对值得一试。05拱桥混后入式这个姿势也稍有难度,男方双脚适当合拢、弯曲双腿放在床上,而女性头部及颈部平躺在床,在男性的帮助下,将屁股坐在男方身上。同时,男方的手指可以抚弄女性阴蒂。这个姿势可以给男性强烈的视觉冲击,且能更好的刺激G点,因为双腿支撑,男性动起来也会更加有力。如果感觉还不错,或者觉得有点累,女性可以换一下体位,转过身双膝跪在床上,以后入的姿势让另一半进入,可以更快到达高潮。如果拱桥式对女性来说有难度,可以降低一下难度,将身体移到床边,后背落下,男性站在地上,也能达到同样的效果。● ● ●如果与对方已经一起多年,早已熟悉彼此身体,的确对性生活没有最初的热烈追求及激动。这时不妨借助玩具。在性爱中作为辅助工具,可以让性生活充满乐趣,帮助找回新鲜感,更快进入高潮。彩蛋为大家精心准备了更多【性爱姿势】,关注公众号,在对话框内回复【0429】发布于 2022-05-01 14:54姿势两性相处两性关系​赞同 100​​11 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请

这 8 个爱爱姿势,哪种才是最好?|丁香医生

个爱爱姿势,哪种才是最好?|丁香医生下载 App栏目收费说明请登录注册搜索问医生查疾病查药品查医院查检查/手术查疫苗急救指南测一测科普视频分享丁香医生审稿专业委员会同行评议通过这 8 个爱爱姿势,哪种才是最好?2019-11-19作者:丁香医生友情提示:建议未满十八岁的朋友关闭这篇文章。偶尔会有朋友来问:什么姿势好?咳咳……这个问题,丁香医生真的需要姬哥紧急支援一把了。招数一:5757:这就是我们常说的「传教士姿势」适合对象:害羞、没什么经验的初学者这个姿势难度系数低,接受度高,还可以顺便贴在耳边说说话啥的。但是呢,这种姿势也存在一些问题:上面的人如果比较胖,这个姿势会比较吃力可能会限制插入的速度进入的角度可能会不舒服,可以试试让下面的人垫个枕头不方便同时用手招数二:2121:也就是「后入式」啦适合对象:有些经验,腰部柔韧性较好的人有些人觉得「后入式」可以插入更深,而且完全不用担心自己的表情太狰狞啊。但也有些人很讨厌后入式,因为趴在前面的人可能会感觉处于被支配、被控制的地位。采用后入式的时候,可以调整臀部的高低,但注意别闪着腰。招数三:1717:这也是一种后入式的变体适合对象:两个人都不胖这个难度么,比 21 还大一些。上面的人不能太胖吧,太胖了可能会出人命;下面的人也不能太胖吧,太胖了可能进不去。有时,建议将「超强」避孕套用于肛交。招数四:4141: 一种不能描述的姿势适合对象:站着的人招数五:4242:继续不能描述适合对象:站累了的人无论你是男是女,喜欢异性、同性还是男女通吃,「咬」都越来越多地成为人们用来「表达爱」的方式。虽然口交不会怀孕,但……口腔黏膜很容易被病菌侵入,口交也可能传染性传播疾病。刷牙和做好卫生措施还是必要的啊!姬哥还是想说:姿势不是最重要的。每个人的身体构造不同,被唤起性欲的方式也不同。所以不可能存在某个神奇的姿势,能完美满足所有人的需求。姬哥鼓励大家多想想新花样,多尝试不同的姿势,但最重要的是都觉得舒服。比如……招数六:88:找个玩具自嗨再比如……招数七 & 招数八:83、88883、888:厌倦了常规的姿势,双方(也不一定是双方……)一起尝试新姿势,总是一件充满乐趣的事。(政治不正确已打码……)我们的社会总是羞于谈性,压抑自己的真实感受。如果对方真的是你最信任的人,为什么不多沟通呢?试着聊聊自己和对方喜欢的姿势、前戏、亲吻方式等,了解彼此的喜恶,才能愉快地享受。最后……作者: 姬哥丁香园版权所有,未经许可不得转载。图片来源:丁香医生设计团队、站酷海洛创意相关文章男性对性生活最常见的 6 大误解很多人问过姬哥,有没有办法改变硬件尺寸。很遗憾,在男性定型以后,除非做手术,不然这辈子硬件估计是没什么机会变大变粗变漂亮了。而且,做手术倒是有变丑的可能……其实只要硬件和平均值没有太大差异,影响并不大,关键还是提高软实力。下面姬哥就来说说很多男性对于性的误解。嗯,其实换成女性对性的误解也同样适用。误解 1:我知道对方什么时候「到了」在性生活中总是能轻松达到高潮的女性并不多。为了给伴侣留足面子……她哪种姿势更容易高潮?全面分析 5 种常用体位姬哥经常被问到,哪种姿势最容易获得高潮?我也是很为难啊,每个人的喜好都不同,感受也不同,所以每个人心目中的最佳姿势也有差异。这次就来分析一下 5 种常见的体位。都拿好小本子了吗?对了,下面要说的这些体位,并不局限于男女之间使用(姬哥是不是很贴心呢?),也适用于于男男或女女的情况。有些体位并不仅局限于插入式性行为,也适合于相互用手抚摸、相互摩擦身体。每个体位都可以根据自己的需求进行细微的调整。一、面别人家长要我家孩子玩具,如何「完美拒绝」?自有从了娃,当爹当妈的都希望能给宝宝多找几个小伙伴,扩展宝宝的小小社交圈。在小朋友一起玩耍,特别是邀请小朋友来家玩的时候,「临走被孩子借玩具」的情景屡见不鲜。对方娃不依不饶,借不到玩具就不走,满地打滚哭闹,对方家长威逼利诱……一旁陪笑到的咱们, 真是 REAL 尴尬,陷入两难:要不和宝宝好好说?借给人家玩玩?这样又怕委屈了自家宝宝……直接说明拒绝吧,对方家长嘴巴不说啥,心理肯定觉得我很小气,太掉面带娃带得腰疼?5 个方法让你的腰舒服点儿如果让大家排出来当妈后最难受的事儿,腰疼绝对能进前三。这腰一疼吧,干啥事儿都不得劲儿:站着疼,坐着酸,抱娃没力气……今天,丁香医生就和大家讲讲产后腰疼的事儿吧。为啥腰疼老爱找宝妈?为啥产后腰疼和宝妈「难舍难分」?这和宝妈们的生理特点和不良习惯有关。由于孕期激素的影响,本来就会导致宝妈骨盆和脊椎周围的韧带、肌肉松弛。加之产后缺乏运动,肌肉乏力,还有不少宝妈天天久站、久蹲、久坐,过于劳累,更是加

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doggy style是什么

2023-04-03 AA 【 字体:大 中 小 】

doggy style(又称健美式)是一种性爱姿势,也是的性爱姿势之一。它的典型特征是,受抚式者仰卧,背对着施抚者,施抚者从受抚者背后进行性交。

doggy style有着悠久的历史,可以追溯到古代中世纪的艺术作品中,而且已被纳入《性爱艺术》的传统。doggy style的优点在于,它可以有效地激发双方的性欲,提供安全、舒适的性爱体验,让双方体验到深刻的性爱快乐。

一、什么是doggy style

doggy style(又称健美式)是一种性爱姿势,它的典型特征是,受抚式者仰卧,背对着施抚者,施抚者从受抚者背后进行性交。这种性爱姿势可以激发双方的性欲,提供安全、舒适的性爱体验。

二、doggy style的历史

doggy style可以追溯到古代中世纪的艺术作品中,在此之前,doggy style也被纳入《性爱艺术》的传统,被视为一种合法的性爱方式。尽管doggy style在历史上受到过质疑和诋毁,但它经历了时间的考验,一直被认为是的性爱姿势之一。

三、doggy style的好处

doggy style的优点在于,它可以让双方体验到深刻的性爱快乐,还可以提高性生活的激情,从而改善性关系。此外,doggy style可以提供更多的抚摸机会,让双方可以更多地互相抚摸,从而拉近彼此之间的距离。

四、doggy style的注意事项

尽管doggy style有着很多优点,但它也有一些需要注意的地方。首先,doggy style可能会使受抚者感到不舒服,因此应该在性爱过程中密切关注受抚者的反应,如果受抚者感到不舒服,就应该改变性爱姿势;其次,doggy style可能会使受抚者觉得被控制,因此应该尽量改变受抚者的位置,让受抚者有更多的参与机会。

总之,doggy style是一种流行的性爱姿势,它可以激发双方的性欲,提供安全、舒适的性爱体验,让双方体验到深刻的性爱快乐。然而,在尝试doggy style之前,应该充分了解这种姿势的特点,并认真遵守上述注意事项,从而更好地享受性爱的乐趣。


































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什么是后入式? - Will的美语课

什么是后入式? - Will的美语课

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什么是doggy style (doggie style)?中文里如何翻译?| 2024年更新

January 27, 2024July 19, 2016 by Will

Doggy style,也称为doggie style(见参考链接(1)),意思是指一种性爱姿势。其英文解释为:a sexual position in which the woman is penetrated from behind by the man while supporting herself on her hands and knees。即:女性俯身,以肘、膝支撑身体,而男性则扶住女性腰或臀,从其后方进入。

与传统、乏味的女下男上“传教士体位“(missionary position)相比,doggy style更显新奇、性感。

在中文里,doggy style被称为“背入式”、或“后入式”。这个表达属于美式俚语(American slang),之所以得名,也许是因为该姿势与doggy(狗狗,见参考链接(3))们的某种亲昵动作颇为相似。

Doggy style为很多男性(甚至是女性)所钟爱,除了更具新意,另一个重要的原因或许在于:这种撩人的姿势能唤起人们内心深处的野性欲望。北美许多知名两性情感类站点(如:Cosmopolitan、Askmen等)都有专门的文章、视频讨论这种别具情趣的体位。而在Womanizer,Tracy’s Dog,也有不少与之相关的热门商品。

截至2023年4月,如果你在Google(无法访问谷歌可点击这里)上搜索“doggy style”关键字,会返回超过7.28亿的相关网页,而“missionary position”的结果为1.50亿条,后者的数量甚至要远逊于前者,足见doggy style的强大魅力。


最后,Will的美语课给大家分享2个相关英文例句:Doggy style is by far her favorite position.(到目前为止,后入式是她最爱的体位)。Whether you like doggy style or not is a matter of personal preference.(喜欢后入式与否取决于你的个人偏好)

若需了解关于doggy style的更多英文知识,大家可以通过文后的参考链接访问维基百科(Wikipedia),YouTube(中文网友俗称“油管”)等网站,如果因为网络原因打不开上述网站,可以访问这里解决。


(1) 维基百科关于doggy style的词条(无法访问Wikipedia?)

(2) Youtuber关于doggy style的街头访谈视频(无法打开Youtube?)

(3) Doggy style英文词典释义

(4) Doggy style美国俚语介绍

(5) 亚马逊(Amazon)英文官网相关热销图书

(6) Doggy style相关热门用品

(7) Durex相关热搜产品

Categories 情感相关话题, 日常生活词汇, 美国社会生活 Tags doggie, doggie style, doggie style是什么梗?, doggie什么意思?, doggie和doggy有何区别?, doggie的隐晦意思, doggy, doggy style, doggy style中文什么意思?, doggy style是啥?, doggy style的最新介绍, doggy style的英文例句, doggy style的英文解释, doggy style相关用品, doggy style相关访谈视频, doggy style英文有声书资源, doggy style解释, doggy是什么意思?, 什么是后入式?, 后入式, 后入式翻译, 后入式英文, 后入式英语怎么说?, 后入是什么意思?, 和体位有关的英文说法介绍, 美国俚语学习资源和图书


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Doggy style sex: 15 expert tips to maximise sexual pleasure

Doggy style sex: 15 expert tips to maximise sexual pleasure




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Doggy style sex: 15 expert tips to maximise sexual pleasure

Doggy style sex: 15 expert tips to maximise sexual pleasure

Bend over baby! 15 reasons why doggy style is the best sexual position and how to get it right.


Rhalou Allerhand

26 May 2021

KatarzynaBialasiewiczGetty Images

Few sex positions are as versatile and pleasurable for both parties as doggy style. It can be playful and rough or sensual and intimate, all depending on the angle. For the person on the receiving end, doggy style is perfectly placed to stimulate all the key erogenous zones, while the 'giver' benefits from deep penetration and an unrestricted view.

But what exactly is doggy style sex and what's the best way to do it? We spoke to Julia Margo, Co Founder of London-based sex toy company Hot Octopuss. and Marlena Segar, sex and relationships educator at the Intimology Institute, about the ins and outs of the doggy style sex position:

What is doggy style?

Doggy style is a sexual position which can be enjoyed by anyone and everyone in any combination of sexualities and gender including a man and a woman, two men, two women, two non binary people or a mixture of each.

But how does doggy style work? The clue is in the name. If you've ever witnessed a pair of dogs mating you will get the gist of this popular sexual position. But don't worry, the association with canines ends there. 'Doggy style is when the person receiving is on all fours while their partner penetrates them from behind,' explains Margo.

Lena MirisolaGetty Images

How to do doggy style

To get the best from doggy style sex, the person being penetrated is usually on all fours, resting their weight on their hands and knees, and facing away from the giver, rather like a pair of amorous hounds. The person penetrating stands or kneels behind them, so their penis or sex toy is at the same height as the receiver's vaginal or anal opening.

The person being penetrated is usually on all fours and facing away from the giver, rather like a pair of amorous hounds.

The exact configuration to make doggy style comfortable is ultimately up to you. You could kneel or bend over a surface, such as a kitchen counter or desk. You could lean down, so your hips are higher than your head, or lie completely flat, face-down. 'Changing this will ultimately vary how deep the penetration will be,' says Segar.

'Hands and knees are most common, but propping a pillow under the bottom's pelvis can increase comfort,' adds Margo. 'It takes the pressure off the wrists and gives their knees a break.'

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Doggy style sex benefits

As well as being kinky as hell, doggy style is widely considered to be one of the most popular and practical sexual positions, with good reason. Bending over in the bedroom comes with a number of sexy benefits:

❤️ Easy access

For people with vaginas, doggy style is ideal for stimulating any (or all) of your key erogenous zones. Doggy style provides easy access to your clitoris by hand or sex toy and can also help to stimulate the G-spot – located about two inches deep on the front vaginal wall – and the A-spot, which is a little higher up. 'Some people find that A-spot orgasms last longer and are more intense than clitoral or G-spot orgasms,' says Segar. But if you can't find it, don't stress. Focussing on your clit will provide ample pleasure.

❤️ Anal play

Bending over comes with a number of bum-fun benefits. 'Doggy style makes the anus more accessible for backdoor play,' says Margo. Doggy style is also great for those who enjoy deep anal penetration, with greater stimulation of the P-spot (prostate) if the receiver has one.

❤️ Alleviate back tension

Doggy style comes with other more practical benefits too. 'It can also alleviate back tension for the person topping, as they can stand next to the bed while their partner on all fours positions them self close to the edge,' says Margo.

❤️ BDSM play

If you're partial to a bit of kink, doggy style makes it's easy to incorporate various BDSM techniques in the bedroom, including hair pulling and impact play – such as spanking or flogging. 'The fact that you are not looking each other in the eye can also heighten this excitement and may give you the confidence to play with dominant and submissive roles,' says Segar. 'Just make sure you’ve discussed all of these in advance.'

❤️ Increased intimacy

Lack of eye contact might feel remote at first, but doggy style can actually add to the intimacy, as the giver is easily able to caress and stroke their partners' body. 'Bending forward over your partner gives you the ability to kiss them and be more intimate,' says Segar. 'In this way, doggy style can be a great way to focus the attention on the receiver.'

❤️ Fun with sex toys

You don't need a penis to enjoy doggy style. The sexual position is ideal if you like to stimulate yourself or your partner with sex toys, and you can use a strap-on too. 'All insertables such as dildos and anal toys work well with doggy style as the receiver's holes are easily accessible,' says Margo. Or try a DiGit wearable finger vibe for extra clitoral stimulation.

❤️ Double penetration

One of the benefits of doggy style is easy access to double penetration. 'It can take some of the performance pressure off the clit, especially if it's feeling hyper-sensitive after the first orgasm,' says Margo. 'This in turn can make multiple orgasms much more achievable. If the person topping is using their penis for penetration, the pressure from the anal toy through the wall of the rectum can feel quite pleasurable on their shaft too.'

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What if penetration feels too deep?

If deep penetration isn’t for you or starts to become uncomfortable, there are several ways you can adapt the doggy style position so it can still be enjoyable. Segar suggests the following:

First of all, try adjusting your position. Rest your arms against a wall or headboard, so your torso is more vertical than horizontal.

Alternatively, lay down on your stomach.

You can also communicate with your partner and tell them to use shallower thrusts. This can easily be incorporated into your play by using dirty talk as a way of guiding them through what you like.

If words aren’t your thing, take control and have them hold still while you move your hips back and forth to dictate the depth of penetration.

There are also certain sex toys that limit the length of the shaft that can be used for penetration – making sex more comfortable for the receiver – while still simulating deeper penetration for the giver. Try the Ohnut, a compressible buffer designed to be adjusted when penetration feels too deep without sacrificing sensation for you or your partner.

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And what if it isn't deep enough?

While doggy style allows deeper penetration than most sexual positions, there are ways for the receiver to adapt their position for even more intensity. 'Elevate your hips so they are higher than your upper body,' says Segar. 'This can be done by lowering yourself down to your elbow instead of your hands, or resting your face on a pillow so it is the same level as your knees.'

You can also alter the positioning of your legs – bringing your knees closer to your hands, bringing your legs closer together – or arch your back. 'The bigger the arch is in your back, and the lower your chest is to the ground, the more intense the penetration will be,' says Segar.

And if you're the giver? 'Hold up your partners' hips so they don’t dip during penetration,' says Segar. 'Having your hands there will also allow you to get closer to them and provide you with more stability to maintain a steady rhythm.'

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15 doggy style sex tips

From support to stimulation, these expert-approved doggy style sex tips will have you howling at the moon all night long:

1. Prop yourself up

Adding a pillow under your stomach or knees changes the elevation and may provide some extra stimulation. 'There are even certain sex cushions on the market specifically designed to help you find more comfortable positions,' says Segar.

2. Make it sensual

Doggy style isn’t just about the penetration. 'If you're the giver, pay attention to your partner's erogenous zones, and include other parts of the body in your play,' says Segar. 'A gentle shoulder massage in the same rhythm as your thrusts, for example, is likely to be appreciated.'

3. Use your hands

As the receiver, if you feel able to support yourself on one hand, use the other to play with your clitoris, penis or nipples, or have your partner reach over and do it for you, Segar suggests.

4. Add a sex toy

Increase stimulation by including a sex toy that you can either hold in place or move around your body – wherever feels good. This could be a finger vibrator, a wand, a cock ring, or anal beads. 'Anal beads are typically a strand of connected silicone beads which one inserts into the rectum and leaves there during sex,' says Margo. 'The insertion and removal process are the most dynamically stimulating aspect of the beads because the anus goes through a roller coaster of sensations as it opens and closes around the "belly" of the beads.'

5. Keep talking

If the idea of being humped from the back makes you (or your partner) uneasy, keep talking to ease tension and add to the sexy vibes. 'The top can offer encouragement to the receiver, to reduce any self-consciousness they may be feeling,' suggests Margo. 'Tell them how sexy they look, and stroke their bum and genitals while affirming how attracted you are to them.'

6. Slow things down

Stretch your legs out so that you are both lying down, with the giver on top. 'Some people enjoy this take on the classic pose because it allows you and your partner to kiss, embrace, and feel more intimate, and it can help to slow things down if traditional doggy gets a little frantic,' says Segar.

7. Try a variation on the move

The classic on-all-fours doggy style pose may be a tried and tested classic, but there are endless ways to switch the move up. If you're the receiver, stand up and lean forward against a wall – for example, in the shower – or bend at the waist, so your head is lower than your knees.

8. Don't forget the lube

You can never use too much lube, and this definitely applies to doggy style. 'By increasing your sensitivity with lube, you'll heighten your awareness of how everything feels and it will increase your pleasure overall,' says Segar. This Lovehoney water-based lube should do the trick.

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9. Adjust your height

If your lover is over six foot and you can barely reach your toothbrush, the great thing about doggy style is it is pretty easy to accommodate height differences. 'If the person receiving is a lot smaller than the giver, they could kneel on an elevated surface – such as a bed – with the giver on their knees on the ground,' says Segar. 'If the height difference is the other way round, try it so you are both on the ground, with the receiver on all fours and the giver either standing or kneeling.'

10. Let your inhibitions go

In the absence of direct eye contact, doggy style can be the perfect time to try out things you might otherwise feel too shy to do. 'Try dirty talk,' says Segar. 'Or if you’ve been interested in experimenting with dominance and submission, this position lends itself to that dynamic quite nicely.' Just be sure to talk to your partner beforehand – don't spring it on them.

11. Try sensation play

Sensation play can include sensory deprivation, flogging, scratching, or temperature play, such as using hot candle wax. Try these special BDSM Wax Play candles to avoid causing serious damage, and agree on a safe word beforehand or have a grading system for the pain from 1-10 with an agreed number as the cut off point, so everyone feels safe.

12. Experiment with restraints

While doggy style can be a normal part of a loving sexual relationship, it can also be pretty kinky too. 'Doggy style is all about control, so have a play with this by restraining either yourself or your partner,' says Segar – for example, attaching a spreader bar to the receiver’s ankles or wrists. If you enjoy receiving from behind but like being in control, 'tie your partner’s arms to the bedpost and slowly back yourself into them at your own pace.' she adds. 'You could even tell them they’re not allowed to move and "punish" them if they do.'

13. Use a mirror

Craving eye contact? Visualisation can be incredibly sexy, so try placing a mirror in front of you. 'If you find this a bit too intense, try placing the mirror to the side, so you can turn your head to look when you want,' says Segar.

14. Wear a blindfold

If you trust your partner, not knowing what they’re going to do next can lead to serious sexual anticipation, so do away with vision entirely by wearing a blindfold. 'You might even find that by cutting off your sight you are heightening your other sensations,' Segar says.

15. Incorporate anal play

If you are doing doggy style for vaginal penetration, you can still increase stimulation by having your partner incorporate some anal play – either with their fingers or a toy. 'Use plenty of lube, start small and slow, and make sure the toy has a flared base to avoid losing it inside you,' Segar says. 'If you are having both anal and vaginal penetration, change the condom before switching, or only go vaginal to anal and not the other way around – otherwise you risk transferring bacteria to the vagina.'

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Last updated: 26-05-2021

Rhalou Allerhand

Rhalou is a senior digital editor specialising in health and wellness with over fifteen years’ online and print publishing experience.

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