以太坊im钱包下载地址|offer letter

作者: 以太坊im钱包下载地址
2024-03-07 20:17:59

一份正式的offer必须有哪些内容? - 知乎

一份正式的offer必须有哪些内容? - 知乎首发于求职切换模式写文章登录/注册一份正式的offer必须有哪些内容?知迷途 Offer的中文释义就是企业方给求职者的聘用意向书,谨记offer只是企业单方面给求职者发的聘用意向书,求职者可以接受或拒绝offer。 接过的offer也不少于10份了,但是很多offer都是扯淡。各种不按流程来,我见过用短信发offer的;也见过用QQ邮箱给我发offer的;也见过offer中不写明薪资的。 这次来说一下一份正式的offer应该是什么样的。Offer必须以邮件形式发送。 我见过以短信形式发送的offer。​offer的发件人邮箱账号应该是公司的邮箱账号。有部分公司的HR用个人邮箱发的offer。录用岗位​薪资​(十分重要,默认是税前工资),防止后续公司扯皮,甚至劳动仲裁时都能证明你的薪资有多少。 如果能把年底双薪写进去,那说明这公司更有实力以及诚意。试用期和劳动合同日期。 顺便提一句, 劳动合同到期了之后,公司必须和劳动者以不低于原合同的薪酬来签订合同,劳动者可以拒绝签约。公司不续签则需要付给劳动者赔偿。错误案例:用QQ邮箱发offer:用短信发offer:没有薪资:编辑于 2022-01-16 17:32劳动合同人力资源(HR)求职者​赞同 384​​60 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请转载​文章被以下专栏收

录用通知书模板 - 知乎

录用通知书模板 - 知乎首发于合同模板合集切换模式写文章登录/注册录用通知书模板一个白红圈所律师经验/互联网/效率工具/自我提升想要完整的电子版合同模板可以评论或私信~录用通知书(Offer Letter)是用人单位发给通过招聘考核的拟入职者的信函。在实务中,录用通知书可能被视为“要约”,也就是说,一旦应聘者回复予以“承诺”,那么用人单位须履约(签订劳动合同),否则可能被认定承担违约责任。因此,建议用人单位在确定发出录用通知书时,应保持必要的谨慎:确保对该应聘者的录用已经深思熟虑。最好应在完成背调及入职体检后再行发出;在制作和发出录用通知书时,应注意明确应聘者的承诺期限,即明确要求应聘者限期回复,否则公司有权取消该录用或招录他人;其次,明确约定应聘者未按约定报到的,视为违约,应承担相应的违约责任;虽然录用通知书具有要约效力,但一旦应聘者正式报到入职,应及时与其签订劳动合同,而不应以录用通知代替劳动合同,以避免不必要的法律风险。确认要录用某位员工时,可以先发出本录用通知书,对于相关条件和材料要求予以告知。本录用通知书对于应届毕业生/非应届毕业生,以及不同的劳动合同类型均予以涵盖。录用通知书尊敬的 :您好!感谢您对 (“本公司”)的支持与关注!经过慎重考虑及多维度评估,现诚挚邀请您正式加入本公司。本公司将在您按照本通知书的要求提交合格的资料报到后录用您,入职相关事宜具体如下:一、 录用信息1. 部门与职位:您将在本公司 担任员工一职。2. 薪资:每月人民币 元。请您遵守薪资保密制度,勿向任何第三方泄露。3. 试用期为 个月。试用期期间,按照80%的标准发放薪资。4. 合同类型:本公司将与您订立固定期限劳动合同。二、 报道信息1. 报道时间: 年 月 日,上午 点。2. 报道地址: 。3. 报道联系人: 。4. 所需资料1) 证件照(1寸蓝底证件照2张);2) 居民身份证或护照(原件及复印件1份);3) 学位证、毕业证(自本科开始)(原件及复印件1份);4) 原单位出具的离职证明材料;5) 薪资证明材料(上一工作单位开具的薪资证明、加密工资单或银行流水单);6) 工资卡信息: 借记卡(扫描件及开户行信息);7) 社保卡(如有)(原件及复印件1份);8) 三级甲等医院体检报告(如以往有任何重要疾病史,请特别注明)。请您准备好上述材料,经核查资料完整、真实后与本公司签订劳动合同、保密协议等其他相关文件。如以上资料无法及时提供或被查验虚假,本公司有权不予正式录用或予以解除劳动关系。三、 特别提示1. 如您未能于报到时间办理入职手续,或所提供的证明材料造假,则本通知书失效。2. 您对本通知书的确认、接受,并不表示双方劳动关系的建立,劳动关系的建立时间以劳动合同的生效日期为准。3. 本通知书在签订劳动合同后不再发生法律效力,双方的权利和义务以劳动合同的约定条款为准。烦请在收到本录用通知书起3日内 确认以上内容。期待您的加入,如有任何问题请联络报道联系人。在办理上述事项过程中,如遇到困难,请与我们联系。【公司名称】盖章 年 月 日 更多合同模板请戳下方的合同模板合集专栏~编辑于 2021-07-30 19:02身份证劳动关系劳动合同​赞同 34​​70 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请转载​文章被以下专栏收录合同模板合集权威专业的合

求职中的「录用意向书」和「offer」有什么区别? - 知乎

求职中的「录用意向书」和「offer」有什么区别? - 知乎首页知乎知学堂发现等你来答​切换模式登录/注册求职校园招聘Offer应届生求职求职中的「录用意向书」和「offer」有什么区别?最近的 2019 年秋季校招 AI 明星公司「第四范式」大规模违约录取意向书的行为说明了哪些问题? 事件中提到的「录用意向书」和正式 offer 比,…显示全部 ​关注者215被浏览641,921关注问题​写回答​邀请回答​好问题 20​添加评论​分享​13 个回答默认排序章牧之​​人力资源(HR)等 2 个话题下的优秀答主​ 关注谢 @灯下说书人 邀请这几年,录用意向书和 offer 的问题越来越多了,先说结论吧:目前市面上存在的 offer 有两种,一种信息比较丰富,甚至会作为劳动合同的附件进行签署;一种比较简陋,可能(最多)只有职位、薪资等几个关键信息。他们都可以规整为:录用通知书。而录用意向书一般只会传达出:「你被我们 xx 部门录用」或者「你在 xx 职位中面试通过」等信息,前来询问你是否愿意加入我们(一定程度上等同于 表白?)。先说 offer这几年职场上人都爱说「我收到了一份 offer 」或者「我给你发个 offer 」。其实最早的时候,offer 一词只用在学校中,尤其是国外的学校都很喜欢用这个。学生提交申请材料,申请去某某大学读书,学校审核你的材料,觉得没问题了,给学生发一个 offer letter 或者叫 Firm offer (好像叫各种的都有)。后来也不知道是什么时候开始(我工作年限不够那么长,如果有知友知道可以评论区提出),公司都会开始采用这种方式,在入职前给员工发送一封 offer letter ,大概可能包括以下内容:录取信息(时间、地点、公司主体)录取的职位、title、汇报对象薪资福利(基本月薪、年薪构成、期权/股票)报道需要带的材料试用期及其他规章制度.......一定程度上可以理解为属于劳动合同附件/劳动合同一部分/劳动合同以外的独立协议(事实上我知道很多公司为了更合理的劳动合同结构,直接会把 offer 作为劳动合同附件/本身一部分再来说说录用意向书阿里巴巴校招录用意向书(网图)一般来说,常见的互联网公司的录用意向书会在 offer 之前发送,以书面形式通知候选人,并与其沟通达成「要约」,通知并告诉你,我们接下来将达成约定(来 xx 公司工作),并要求你书面接受。而 offer ,则会在之后进行发送 or 进行洽谈。其相关的薪资、待遇、工作要求等相关信息并不会在此体现。划重点:offer /录用意向书 本身是否具有法律效益呢?坦白讲,算是个盲区。目前国内对于 offer 本身的定义很复杂,不过目前在北京、上海等地的确有过多起案例作为参照,说明实践中,法院有可能这样认定「offer 本身作为合同约定条款」,或者约定解释为独立于劳动合同之外的协议。一旦出现违约/未能尊属 offer 中的条款,仲裁中基本都是企方败诉。接下来,划重点,判定的标准是什么呢?从过往案例中推测得出,可能属于以下情况:发送过来的 letter 中,如果包含以下签署劳动合同的关键信息,有可能会被判定,比如:入职日期岗位编制、汇报对象、部门基本月薪、年薪福利(期权/股票)社保公积金等相关福利信息试用期有关的相关制度那么,回归法律本身,劳动合同法仅对已签署劳动合同后的缔约有明确讨论(下面会说)。offer 本身,是比较模糊的存在。在正式和劳动合同一起签约之前,一但企方毁 offer(在候选人本身信息和材料不存在虚假的情况下),候选人可以申请仲裁,一旦仲裁胜诉,企方要承担一定的法律风险。目前在国内有过几起相关案例,虽然法律没有明文规定,但案例仍然有一定的参考意义。比如,发了书面的 offer letter ,劳动者书面复函表示接受并且已经做了入职准备。但是还没入职,企业非正当理由毁约。此项目属于不可撤销的「要约」,走仲裁的话大概率会判罚企业需要继续执行 offer 或者给劳动者支付一定的赔偿金,但是法律条文中,我记得没有实际的条款,一般会根据当地具体情况来进行处理。 像 @HR-Henry陈恒 举出的例子:《深圳经济特区和谐劳动关系促进条例》第十七条可以做一个合理的推定:第十七条 用人单位与劳动者在用工前订立劳动合同,尚未用工,有《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》第四十条第(三)项、第四十一条第一款第(一)、(二)、(三)、(四)项规定情形之一的,用人单位可以提前通知劳动者解除劳动合同,不需支付经济补偿,但应当支付劳动者为订立和准备履行劳动合同而支出的必要费用。再比如:尽管尚未入职和签订劳动合同,但是因为在微信/邮件等方式上双方达成了邀约的意向,故此视为已经既成事实。就像法院判决书里写的一样:被告人事发出的录用意向书的性质是被告希望与原告订立正式劳动关系的一种要约,该要约经原告于2018年7月16日承诺后即发生法律效力,具有劳动关系预约合同的性质,对作出约定的原、被告均具有法律约束力。实际上双方的行为:1、被告公司人事Kevin给原告陈某发了一条微信,微信里有一份录用意向书2、2018年7月16日Kevin请对方提离职3、原告回去下载打印录用意向书并签字,拍照后发到被告公司人事Kevin的微信里。基于此,当然就存在了企方败诉的情况。另外,还有其他拓展情况,比如在候选人已经入职且签订劳动合同情况下:试用期内被动离职,但是 试用期不符合录用条件(被举证)或者具有法定过错/造成重大损害/双重劳动关系/严重违纪 被辞退。这种情况下企业无需支付经济补偿金2.试用期内被动离职,但是无法举证试用期不符合任职要求。此情况属于企业单方解除劳动合同(过错性解雇),一般是 2N 或者要求继续履行劳动合同。3.发了 offer,签了合同,过了试用期。然后企业和劳动者协商一致,解除劳动合同。此情况,双方能够达成协商达成一致,一般是 N 或者 N+1(+1 其实是待通知金,是否有,取决于是否提前 30 天)至于其他情况的话,会比较复杂,就不赘述了,改天可以单独写一篇相关回答。当然,除此之外,offer 企方违约本身也存在非常高的舆论问题风险和 PR 问题。我们偶尔也能在某知名职场社交 APP 上看到 「某某公司毁 offer 」的新闻,所以各位 HR 同行千万别这样做......当然了,你问我,企方什么时候能无责任取消 offer 呢?比较常见的是以下情况:未能在规定时间内真实、完整地提供公司要求提供的所有资料,即信息造假(比如学历证明、离职证明等);因⾮不可抗⼒事由未能在约定⽇期报到,且没有事先征得公司同意(比如未和公司 HR 沟通协调更改时间);未在约定时间内书面答复接受 offer (比如有的公司会要求「请在接收到本通知函之后 3 个⼯作⽇内邮件回复确认以上信息,并接受该录用通知」或者在系统中点击确认接受。PS:若劳动者逾期答复的,可视为要约失效,要约失效后,劳动者要求入职的,用人单位可以拒绝(不过一般情况下,这种事儿发生的几率比较小,大多数互联网公司的目的还是把这个人招进来)而录用意向书,一般来说,很难打赢官司。本身来说,录用意向书完全没有任何属于劳动合同的相关信息,甚至于问题中的第四范式/宜信的录用意向书仅表示:你面试过了,约定一个时间跟你谈薪资(如果谈成了),在此我们邀请你加入(可能会录用你)。要记住,意向书并未有严格意义上属于双方约定的劳动合动本身/构成劳动关系的信息。很多学生在收到意向书后,就觉得自己拿到了 offer 了,这是肯定错误的。加之这几年,骑驴找马的校招生越来越多,不知道哪儿来的风气鼓吹「offer 收割机」这种做法,好像谁手上不拿个几十个大厂 offer 比来比去就丢人了一样。搞的很多互联网公司的校招 HR 也非常害怕学生拿了 offer 违约,招聘策略上频繁改动。慢慢的,在校园招聘中,很容易出现该问题:企业一旦 HC 招满(比如原定 30 人,面试通过 90 人,从综合评定的从高到低往下谈,最后择优录取 30 人的操作)那么一开始为了抢人,HR 用意向书这种东西圈人,到后面发现,人够了,开始有毁约意向书的做法(或者你可以理解为发了意向书,后面没要)。@HR-Henry陈恒 有一句话说的很对在成年人世界里,没有绝对或者一定的事,小孩才分对错,大人只看利益。其实收到意向书也好,录用通知也罢,并不等于万事大吉,求职期间骑驴找马无可厚非,多几个选择,不要孤注一掷当然,毁意向书的做法也不好。从我的角度,我是觉得,企业不论校招也好,社招也好;意向也好,offer 也好。一定要慎重选择好了对的人,再跟人沟通。顺便,说到应届生如何保护自己,补充一个应届生经常被问到的三方和违约金问题不少单位为了留住学生,以高额违约金约束学生。学生在协商中要力争将违约金降到最低,通常违约金不得超过 5000 元,但是对于应届生来说,已经很高了。但是,劳动法本身是有规定的,对负有保密义务的劳动者,用人单位可以在劳动合同或者保密协议中与劳动者约定竞业限制条款,并约定在解除或者终止劳动合同后,在竞业限制期限内按月给予劳动者经济补偿。劳动者违反竞业限制约定的,应当按照约定向用人单位支付违约金。除上述两种法律规定的情形外,用人单位不得与劳动者约定由劳动者承担违约金。从一定角度来说,三方的违约金其实是灰色地带,但是如果可以的话,还是争取不要签带违约金的三方吧。或者说你选择好了,就不要再轻易更改了。最后,回到问题本身,给应届求职者几个建议:求职过程中一定要看清楚每一封邮件,记录好每一次沟通,该问的问题一定要问清楚,不要想当然;不要把意向书当成一份保险,不针对某一个公司而言,保护好你自己;专注在未来的发展计划、公司平台和岗位本身,年轻人的第一份工作,不要单纯盯着薪资选来选去,少一点骑驴找马的行为;谈 offer 的时候,一定要问清楚 试用期、培养机制、培养机制、岗位绩效及考核机制、汇报对象和导师的情况,有上进心的,也可以多问问公司、部门和团队未来的一些规划;确定拿到书面的正式 offer letter 以后,如果是一份你满意的 offer ,拒绝掉其他 offer ,也给别的同学一些机会;在学校的时候,如果时间允许,读一读劳动法,多了解一些职场规则,保护好你自己(相信我,毕业后你大概率不会有心思和精力了解的);报道之前,定期和跟你对接的 HR 保持联系,必要的话还可以提前加你的未来导师/HRBP 或者 leader 的微信,保持通畅的沟通;如果要求你毕业前去实习,能去的话,尽量去。提前熟悉你未来的团队同事、工作内容等,赢在起跑线上。以上,校招季,祝愿各位同学都能拿到满意的 offer ,顺利开始第一份职场工作。编辑于 2020-12-16 18:41​赞同 629​​43 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢收起​HR-Henry陈恒​人力资源(HR)等 4 个话题下的优秀答主​ 关注我觉得 @甜味茶酒 的回答很全面,比我写的好。不过就是对于违约金的理解有些牵强,因为劳动法领域对于违约金只有2种情况,专业技术培训服务期未满,支付违约金;以及违反竞业禁止规定,支付违约金。谢 @灯下说书人 邀。从法律上来说【录用意向书】和【录用通知书】即offer,根本就是两码事。意向书对于双方来说均没有法律约束力,而一旦用人单位发出书面录用通知书,即对用人单位产生法律约束力,但用人单位可以在录用通知书送达求职者前随时撤回录用(比如邮件还没到对方邮箱就通过技术拦截),但一旦求职者回复接受条件同意入职或者作出了辞职这样属于“承诺”的意思表示,录用通知书就不能被撤回了,如果用人单位要撤销必须向求职者支付补偿。1.意向书是谈恋爱,录用通知书是契约其实把意向书仅仅表达我对你很有兴趣,很希望跟你能够继续进一步,但不代表我要跟你结婚。通知书就是告诉你,我很喜欢你,我要跟你结婚,我们一起去领证吧,你说好,然后到约定时间领证(签订劳动合同)。正式签订劳动合同前,通知书对双方已均有约束力,即完成了合同法规定的两个动作,要约和承诺。用人单位要约,劳动者做出承诺(辞职,接受条件为入职做准备,明确答复接受入职等) 2.用人单位撤销录用通知书的法律后果用人单位可以撤回录用通知来反悔,但撤销录用通知需要支付赔偿金。撤回和撤销有什么区别,要分开来看。事实上,用人单位向劳动者发出录用通知是一种合同法的要约行为,通知上明确表示了希望与劳动者订立劳动合同建立劳动关系,以及劳动合同的几个基本必备信息,比如签约时间、工作地点、岗位、薪资报酬等信息。对要约的撤回,指在要约发生法律效力之前,要约人使其不发生法律效力而取消要约的行为。《合同法》第17条规定:“要约可以撤回。撤回要约的通知应当在要约到达受要约人之前或者与要约同时到达受要约人。”要约的撤销,指在要约发生法律效力之后,要约人使其丧失法律效力而取消要约的行为。根据合同法的理解,要约自送达受邀人起生效,此时要约人不可撤回要约,若受邀人已对履行要约的承诺做了必要的准备工作,比如劳动者为了入职提出了辞职,那么用人单位撤销要约需要向劳动者赔偿经济损失。虽然《劳动法》和《劳动法合同法》没有针对此情况明确的规定,但《深圳经济特区和谐劳动关系促进条例》第十七条可以做一个合理的推定:第十七条 用人单位与劳动者在用工前订立劳动合同,尚未用工,有《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》第四十条第(三)项、第四十一条第一款第(一)、(二)、(三)、(四)项规定情形之一的,用人单位可以提前通知劳动者解除劳动合同,不需支付经济补偿,但应当支付劳动者为订立和准备履行劳动合同而支出的必要费用。用人单位与劳动者在用工前订立劳动合同,尚未用工,用人单位违法解除劳动合同,劳动者要求继续履行劳动合同的,用人单位应当继续履行;劳动者不要求继续履行劳动合同或者劳动合同无法履行的,用人单位应当支付劳动者相当于一个月工资标准的赔偿金和为订立、准备履行劳动合同而支出的必要费用。目前有不少地方如北京、上海、深圳相关法院的法官支持了劳动者要求赔偿撤销录用通知造成的失业损失问题。虽然我国不是判例法,但案例仍然有一定的参考意义。正常情况下,劳动者选择接受录用通知即在约定的时间带齐资料到用人单位办理签订劳动合同的手续,双方自用工之日起订立劳动关系。劳动者的这种行为应当认为是对要约的承诺行为。另外一种情况是用人单位会在录用通知上明确要约的承诺时间,要求劳动者限期答复是否接受入职要约,若劳动者逾期答复的,可视为要约失效,要约失效后,劳动者要求入职的,用人单位可以拒绝。3.求职骑驴找马很正常,要保护自身权益第四范式的CEO回答中明确说了他的公司发出邮件的时候有跟学生们说明发出意向书而没有收到正式offer意味着你被列入了Waiting List(等待列表),由于没有邮件证明,此处撇开不谈。但是这件事提醒学生们和我们所有劳动者,意向书不是通知书,不要以为这样就一定可以入职了。在成年人世界里,没有绝对或者一定的事,小孩才分对错,大人只看利益。其实收到意向书也好,录用通知也罢,并不等于万事大吉,求职期间骑驴找马无可厚非,多几个选择,不要孤注一掷。法律永远维护的是底线,维权成本高,时间也漫长。另外一方面,要密切跟联系你的HR保持沟通,了解企业内部最新的动态,做好可以入职的准备。编辑于 2018-10-31 12:53​赞同 81​​6 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢

单位发放录用通书(offer letter)知须知的几个法律问题 - 知乎

单位发放录用通书(offer letter)知须知的几个法律问题 - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册单位发放录用通书(offer letter)知须知的几个法律问题檀亭军丨律师​安徽徽航律师事务所 执业律师1、录用通知书的法律性质,是劳动合同吗?《民法典》第四百七十一条 当事人订立合同,可以采取要约、承诺方式或者其他方式。《民法典》第四百七十二条 要约是希望与他人订立合同的意思表示,该意思表示应当符合下列条件:(一)内容具体确定;(二)表明经受要约人承诺,要约人即受该意思表示约束。解析:实务中,有的单位决定录用后,会给劳动者发放录用通知书,目前实务中理解offer属于一个内容具体的要约,在劳动者收到要约时已经生效,单位应当受到该要约内容的约束,如果员工按照offer上的日期来公司报道,表明双方对录用通知书全部内容达成合意。但是实务中,如果把录用通知中加入劳动合同的必备条款,劳动者签字确认,单位盖章,有可能会被视为劳动合同,防范单位未签订劳动合同二倍工资法律风险(仅是一种手段,并非一定能成功)。2、单位发出了录用通知可以撤回、撤销吗?《民法典》第四百七十五条 要约可以撤回。要约的撤回适用本法第一百四十一条的规定。《民法典》第一百四十一条 行为人可以撤回意思表示。撤回意思表示的通知应当在意思表示到达相对人前或者与意思表示同时到达相对人。解析:录用通知书可以撤回,但是需要在录用通知书到达劳动者之前撤回。《民法典》第四百七十七条 撤销要约的意思表示以对话方式作出的,该意思表示的内容应当在受要约人作出承诺之前为受要约人所知道;撤销要约的意思表示以非对话方式作出的,应当在受要约人作出承诺之前到达受要约人。《民法典》第四百七十六条 要约可以撤销,但是有下列情形之一的除外:(一)要约人以确定承诺期限或者其他形式明示要约不可撤销;(二)受要约人有理由认为要约是不可撤销的,并已经为履行合同做了合理准备工作。解析:实务中,通常录用通知一般情况下无法撤销,因为录用通知书中往往会约定的承诺的期限,防止员工长时间不做出承诺,即单位要求劳动者在规定的期限内确认并寄回录用通知。3、员工收到录用通知并长时间不确认如何处理,单位可以另行招聘吗?《民法典》第四百七十八条 有下列情形之一的,要约失效:(三)承诺期限届满,受要约人未作出承诺;解析:单位可以在录用通知书中约定劳动者应予具体承诺的期限,如果劳动者未在规定的承诺期内做出承诺,那么要约失效,单位就此岗位可以另行招聘,如果单位不确定具体的承诺期限,单位另行招聘,员工又告知单位需要来上班,单位可能承担违约责任。参考条款:“如果您接受本公司的录用,请在收到本通知书以后5日内将签署后的本通知书原件寄送回本公司。如在规定期限内未回寄本通知书原件,公司将视作您放弃该职位。”4、员工做出承诺后,不来公司报道如何处理?《民法典》第五百条 当事人在订立合同过程中有下列情形之一,造成对方损失的,应当承担赔偿责任:(一)假借订立合同,恶意进行磋商(二)故意隐瞒与订立合同有关的重要事实或者提供虚假情况;(三)有其他违背诚信原则的行为。解析:同样员工如果做出承诺后,录用通知书同样对员工具有约束力,如果员工未在规定期限内至单位报道,单位可以要求员工承担违约责任。参考条款:“如您签署了本通知并回馈给公司,而又未在本通知确定的日期前报到,将承担本职位1个月薪资的违约金。”5、单位发出录用通知书后,不想录用怎么办?解析:同上,录用通知书也对单位具有约束力,如果单位发出录用通知,不想用了,单位承担缔约过失责任,但是为了减少违约成本,单位可以约定出具体可以承担的违约金额,如果不约定仲裁法院可能会进行自由裁量而进行主观认定,这里建议双方违约金额对等,保持平衡。参考条款:“如您签署了本通知并回馈给公司,而公司不能在本通知确定的日期接受您的报到,将承担本职位1个月薪资的违约金。”6、录用通知书与劳动合同中的条款发生冲突,如何适用?解析:一些单位与劳动者签订劳动合同后,之前的录用通知依然有效,当两者条款发生冲突时,以哪个为准?因为无论是劳动合同还是录用通知书,都属于双方的合意,均产生约束力,实务中可能会适用两者中对劳动者更有利文件,使单位承担不利后果,故应当在录用通知书上或者签订劳动合同时约定,如签订劳动合同,录用通知书失效,或者约定当两者发生冲突时,以劳动合同的约定为准。参考条款:“双方签订劳动合同后,单位发放的录用通知书失效/当两者发生冲突时,以劳动合同的约定为准。”7、录用通知书失效条款根据《民法典》第一百五十八条 民事法律行为可以附条件,附生效条件的民事法律行为,自条件成就时生效。附解除条件的民事法律行为,自条件成就时失效。解析:录用通知书本质上属于双方订立劳动合同之前的意向性协议,属于民事合同范畴,故可以在其中附解除条件,当解除条件成就时,录用通知书自动失效,防止单位无法招用,还承担相应违约责任。常见参考条件:比如无法提供上家单位离职证明,多少日内无法办理社保转移手续,所提供的学历、工作经历系虚假伪造的,患有不符合岗位要求的疾病等。8、录用通知书与体检的顺序解析:体检一定要在发放录用通知书之前进行,而不能等到员工入职实际用工后才进行,应当先让劳动者参加入职体检,体检合格以后再发出录用通知,这样单位可以根据体检结果来决定是否录用员工,防止劳动争议。9、录用通知是法律规定必须发放的吗?解析:并不是必须发放的,有的单位基于牌面的需要而发放比较正式的录用通知书,如果采用其他方式通知员工,比如电话通知方式,可能针对相关争议员工不好举证,但是如果发放了正式书面的录用通知,那么员工举证相对来说比较简便,毕竟单位盖章认可录用通知书上相关情况。更多实务用工问题,关注微信公众号:人力资源法律库发布于 2021-11-13 10:32法律Offer​赞同 5​​添加评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请


r(录取通知)_百度百科 网页新闻贴吧知道网盘图片视频地图文库资讯采购百科百度首页登录注册进入词条全站搜索帮助首页秒懂百科特色百科知识专题加入百科百科团队权威合作下载百科APP个人中心offer是一个多义词,请在下列义项上选择浏览(共5个义项)展开添加义项offer播报讨论上传视频录取通知收藏查看我的收藏0有用+10offer,全称是offer letter,汉语解释为录用信、录取通知,还没有一个统一的名字,有人称之为“录取通知”,有人谓之“录用信”,也有人称为“邀约函”。录用信用于正式向求职者提供职位,并提供重要信息,包括开始日期,薪酬,工作时间和职位。他们也被称为就业机会信。中文名录用信外文名offer全    称offer letter目录1概念2评估工作3评估学校概念播报编辑offer,全称是offer letter,汉语解释为录用信、录取通知。所谓offer letter,还没有一个统一的名字,有人称之为“录取通知”,有人谓之“录用信”,也有人称为“邀约函”。以前一般是说外企或国外学校发的表达自己愿意录用的一封格式类似的信件,后来很多人都把自己接到公司的“offer letter”,电话通知等一类的叫offer,被公司通知面试合格能够录用就说收到了offer,而真正发offer letter的也只是很正规的大企业。评估工作播报编辑在您匆忙接受offer之前,应花一些时间来进行全面的考虑。以下一些准则可以帮助您确定这份工作是否适合您。研究职位描述这可能是评估潜在雇主给您的offer的唯一最重要因素。应该问您自己以下问题:您会喜欢此职位的日常工作吗?您会遇到挑战吗?考虑到您的经验,其责任水平是否恰当?您是否能够与您的老板和同事相处融洽?您是否愿意按要求做出任何可能会影响您的生活质量的生活方式的变化(出差、长时间工作和上下班交通时间延长等)?如果对以上任何问题的回答是否,则接受这一Offer可能会让您不快乐。评估学校播报编辑在拿到offer letter之后,需要注意的问题。第一,也是最重要的一点,就是看一下你名字的拼音对不对。千万不要以为这是不可能出错的哦!特别是前后鼻音上,经常是会发生错误的。如果offer上面的名字和你的护照上面的名字不同,那么这个offer letter就不是你的了。当然,这其中还包括你的性别、生日等细节都是要注意的,万一发生错误,你就要马上和学校联系,然后让学校出一封新的offer letter!第二,这个offer letter中的专业是不是你原先想要申请的专业。或许大家都会认为这是不可能发生的事情。申请硕士课程通常不会发生错误,但是那些申请专升本的学生就经常会遇到这样的错误。我们曾经有一个学生,原本想申请的是最后一年的本科入学(Year 3),但是offer寄到之后,却发现学校给的是Year 2的入学offer,这与学生原先申请的完全不同。当然这不是学校本身在写offer上的错误,而是对学生进行评估后认为学生只适合从Year 2开始读。所以学生必须仔细看一下offer,如果发现有不对的地方,必须马上和学校取得联系,询问一下具体情况,如果能在商量和重新评估后拿到一个自己想要的offer当然是最好的;但是如果学校不同意修改的话,学生就必须重新考虑申请了。第三,在拿到offer之后还必须仔细阅读offer上的内容,特别是conditional offer包含的条件。1、是要看清楚学校到底给你的是什么condition,然后根据这个条件去努力,在达到IELTS和GPA要求之后,把成绩单寄到学校,换取unconditional offer。如果IELTS没有达到要求,就要开始申请语言课程。2、是要看清学校有没有要求你交押金,截止日期是什么时候。有些学校的课程规定,如果学生愿意接受,必须交一定数目的钱作为押金,学生还要注意,学校会规定最后付款日期,一定要在这个日期之前交上押金。3、学生在拿到offer以后,如果确认能够接受,必须在规定的时间内将随offer letter一起寄来的acceptance form填好寄回或是传真回学校,以确认你已接受offer。如果你没有完成这个步骤的话,学校很有可能就以为你不愿意接受offer,从而把你的位置取消掉了。新手上路成长任务编辑入门编辑规则本人编辑我有疑问内容质疑在线客服官方贴吧意见反馈投诉建议举报不良信息未通过词条申诉投诉侵权信息封禁查询与解封©2024 Baidu 使用百度前必读 | 百科协议 | 隐私政策 | 百度百科合作平台 | 京ICP证030173号 京公网安备110000020000

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Formal Job Offer Letter Sample Template | Workable

Formal Job Offer Letter Sample Template | Workable

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HR Toolkit | HR Templates | Recruiting email templates |

Formal job offer: Sample offer letter formatUse this sample job offer letter template from employer to employee when formally offering a full-time position to your best candidate. This template includes a sample job offer email along with a formal job offer attachment to send to candidates. It covers the most important employment terms:


Position details (title, working schedule)


Bonus or commission

Employee benefits

Privacy policies

Termination conditions

You can customize this sample offer letter format and add, modify or remove specific terms and benefits. Note that the following job offer template contains placeholders that you can easily fill with your company’s data.

It’s best to contact your candidate via phone or email to announce you’re extending a job offer before sending this formal document.

If you’re sending the offer letter via email, make sure to:

Use an email subject line that clearly states this is a job offer (e.g. “Job offer from [Company_name]” or “Job offer for the position of [Job_title] at [Company_name]”)

Keep the email body text brief and mention that the candidate can find the detailed job offer letter attached.

Set a specific timeframe for when you would like to get your candidate’s final response.

You can also personalize the email body text and tweak the tone to match your company culture. But, keep the language in your employment offer letter formal and clear, as it’s an official document that describes the employment terms between you and your future hire.

Keep in mind that this template is not a legal document and may not take into account all relevant local or national laws. Please ask your attorney to review your finalized job offer letter.

Start a free trial with Workable to effectively manage your applicants, interviews and job offers.

Job offer email template

Email subject line: [Company_name] job offer / Job offer from [Company_name]

Dear [Candidate_name],

We’re delighted to extend this offer of employment for the position of [Job_title] with [Company_name]. Please review this summary of terms and conditions for your anticipated employment with us.

If you accept this offer, your start date will be [Start Date] or another mutually agreed upon date, and you would report to [Manager_name].

Please find attached the terms and conditions of your employment, should you accept this offer letter. We would like to have your response by [date]. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me or [Manager_name] via email or phone at [provide contact details], if you have any questions.

We are all looking forward to having you on our team.

Best regards,

[Your name]


Job offer letter template – attachment

Job offer format: Table of contents

I. Position

II. Cash compensation

III. Bonus (or commission) potential

IV. Employee benefits

V. Privacy and confidentiality agreements

VI. Termination conditions

VII. Interpretation, amendment and enforcement

I. Position

Job title

Your title will be [Job_title], and you will report to the Company’s [Manager’s job_title].

Working schedule

This is a [full-time/part-time] position requiring approximately [e.g. 40] hours per week. Your regular weekly schedule will be [e.g. Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00].

Employment Relationship

Employment with the Company is for no specific period of time. Your employment with the Company will be “at will,” meaning that either you or the Company may terminate your employment at any time and for any reason, with or without cause. Any contrary representations that may have been made to you are superseded by this letter agreement. This is the full and complete agreement between you and the Company on this term. Although your job duties, title, compensation and benefits, as well as the Company’s personnel policies and procedures, may change from time to time, the “at will” nature of your employment may only be changed in an express written agreement signed by you and a duly authorized officer of the Company (other than you.)

II. Cash Compensation


The Company will pay you a starting salary at the rate of $[Gross annual salary] per year, payable in accordance with the Company’s standard payroll schedule, beginning [start day] and you will receive your first paycheck on [date]. This salary will be subject to adjustment pursuant to the Company’s employee compensation policies.

Tax withholding

All forms of compensation referred to in this letter agreement are subject to reduction to reflect applicable withholding and payroll taxes and other deductions required by law.

Tax advice

You are encouraged to obtain your own tax advice regarding your compensation from the Company. You agree that the Company does not have a duty to design its compensation policies in a manner that minimizes your tax liabilities and you will not make any claim against the Company or its Board of Directors related to tax liabilities arising from your compensation.

III. Bonus (or commission) potential

In addition, you will be eligible to be considered for an incentive bonus for each fiscal year of the Company. The bonus (if any) will be awarded based on objective or subjective criteria established by the Company’s Chief Executive Officer and approved by the Company’s Board of Directors. Your target bonus will be equal to [percent]% of your annual base salary. Any bonus for the fiscal year in which your employment begins will be prorated, based on the number of days you are employed by the Company during that fiscal year. Any bonus for a fiscal year will be paid within [number] months after the close of that fiscal year, but only if you are still employed by the Company at the time of payment. The determinations of the Company’s Board of Directors with respect to your bonus will be final and binding.

IV. Employee benefits

As a regular employee of the Company, you will be eligible to participate in a number of Company-sponsored benefits.

The Company offers a comprehensive employee benefits program, including:

Vacation policy

You will be eligible for [number] days of paid vacation leave per year. Paid time off is additional to sick days, bank holidays and days that the company does not operate.

Private health and dental insurance plan

As all Company employees, you will be eligible for the private health and dental insurance plan we provide. Specific terms and conditions may change upon vendor’s decision.

Stock Options

Subject to the approval of the Company’s Board of Directors or its Compensation Committee, and following the adoption by the Company of an equity incentive plan, you will be granted an option to purchase [number] shares of the Common Stock of the Company or of its parent (the “Option.”) The exercise price per share of the Option will be determined by the Board of Directors or the Compensation Committee when the Option is granted. The Option will be subject to the terms and conditions applicable to options granted under the Company’s Stock Plan (as adopted, the “Plan”), as described in the Plan and the applicable Stock Option Agreement. You will vest in 25% of the Option shares after 12 months of continuous service, and the balance will vest in equal monthly installments over the next 36 months of continuous service, as described in the applicable Stock Option Agreement.

V. Privacy and Confidentiality Agreements

Privacy Agreement

You are required to observe and uphold all of the Company’s privacy policies and procedures as implemented or varied from time to time. Collection, storage, access to and dissemination of employee personal information will be in accordance with privacy legislation.

Conflict of Interest policy

While you are employed at this Company, you will not engage in any other employment, consulting or other business activity (whether full-time or part-time) that would create a conflict of interest with the Company. By signing this letter of agreement, you confirm that you have no contractual commitments or other legal obligations that would prohibit you from performing your duties for the Company.

Proprietary Information and Inventions Agreement

Like all Company employees, you will be required, as a condition of your employment with the Company, to sign the Company’s standard Proprietary Information and Inventions Agreement.

VI. Termination Conditions

The Company reserves the right to terminate employment of any employee for just cause at any time without notice and without payment in lieu of notice. The Company will be entitled to terminate your employment for any reason other than for just cause, upon providing to you such minimum notice as required by law.

VII. Interpretation, Amendment and Enforcement

This letter agreement supersedes and replaces any prior agreements, representations or understandings (whether written, oral, implied or otherwise) between you and the Company and constitute the complete agreement between you and the Company regarding the subject matter set forth herein. This letter agreement may not be amended or modified, except by an express written agreement signed by both you and a duly authorized officer of the Company.

You may indicate your agreement with these terms and accept this offer by signing and dating this agreement by [date the offer expires]. Upon your acceptance of this employment offer, [Company_name] will provide you with the necessary paperwork and instructions.






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More resources:

Job offer letter and email samples:

Job offer email template

Informal offer letter sample

Workable offer letter sample

Guide: How to write a standout job offer email

Library: Company policies


Related Resources:

8 job offer letter templates for every circumstance with extra tips

Advice for Making a Job Offer

Disclaimer: The following offer letter recommendations should only be used as guidelines. Please only select the portions that apply to your company. Neither the author nor workable.com will assume legal liability for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information provided in whole or in part within this article.

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如何理解录用通知书(offer)的效力? - 知乎

如何理解录用通知书(offer)的效力? - 知乎首页知乎知学堂发现等你来答​切换模式登录/注册招聘Offer法律效力如何理解录用通知书(offer)的效力?关注者1被浏览4,227关注问题​写回答​邀请回答​好问题​添加评论​分享​1 个回答默认排序HR-英小姐互联网行业十年的HR​ 关注1、offer的定义:【员工录用通知的法律性质】录用通知英文翻译为“offer letter”,在实务中俗称聘用通知、聘用意向书、录取通知或聘用要约等。录用通知书实际上用人单位向决定录用的员工单方发出的愿意与其建立劳动关系的一种意思表示。offer属于"要约",offer到达候选人便生效,即承诺了则双方即存在合同关系2、offer包含内容及注意事项:包含内容:①告知被录用的职位;②通知报到的时间;③通知需提交的资料;④告知拟订立的合同期限;⑤设定offer生效需应聘者满足的条件;⑥设定offer可解除的条件;⑦提示应聘者对获悉的薪酬等信息的保密。注意事项:①增加回执栏:请应聘者签名后发回;②注明解除条款:一候选人不按时寄回回执的,二报到时未能提供所需资料的,offer自动失效;③Offer经应聘者承诺后,变成民事合同,具有法律效力,不得违约;④先签offer,后签劳动合同,如果二者不一致,以劳动合同为准。3、offer违约责任:企业发出offer后拒绝录用,应承担"缔约过失责任",应赔偿候选人产生的实际损失。具体损失分为两类具体如下①工资损失:结合各方的过错程度、劳动者的就业条件、所应聘岗位的工资水平和停止工作时间等因素,通常赔偿1-3个月的工资损失;②其他损失:为面试、履行劳动合同做准备等支出的合理费用,如交通费,房租费。发布于 2023-02-07 10:27​赞同 3​​添加评论​分享​收藏​喜欢收起​​

How to Write a Job Offer Letter, WIth Examples | Grammarly

How to Write a Job Offer Letter, WIth Examples | Grammarly

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Whether you’re a seasoned HR professional or a small business owner, this go-to resource will help you understand the essentials of a job offer letter. We’ll walk you through the key information the letter should contain, the critical legal factors to ensure compliance, and job offer letter templates.

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What is a job offer letter?

A job offer letter is a formal document that a company sends to a prospective employee for a position. It’s usually sent after the candidate has successfully completed interviews and other vetting and the employer has decided to extend a job offer.

What to include in a job offer letter

A job offer letter should include these thirteen key components:


Welcome message

A welcome message may be included at the beginning of the letter to congratulate the candidate on being offered the new position.


Job title

Include the specific title and role the candidate is being offered.


Salary and compensation

The salary is the wages the candidate will receive, including any bonuses or other monetary benefits they are entitled to.


Start date

This is the proposed date that the candidate is expected to begin working.


Employment type

Specify whether the employment is full-time, part-time, temporary, or permanent.


Work schedule

The work schedule lists the regular working hours or shifts the employee will be expected to follow. If the candidate’s hours will vary, the offer letter should detail how they can find or arrange their expected working hours after they’re hired. This includes remote or hybrid work schedules.


Reporting structure

Include details about whom the employee will report to and that point person’s position within the organization.


Terms and conditions

Be sure to give any specific terms, conditions, or requirements of employment, such as a probationary period, nondisclosure agreements, or noncompete clauses.


Benefits and perks

Give information about the benefits package, like health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, and other perks.


Confidentiality and company policies

Provide an overview of the company’s policies and expectations regarding confidentiality, code of conduct, and other relevant guidelines.


Acceptance deadline

Be sure to include a date by which you need the candidate to respond to the offer. A week after the position is offered is a typical timeframe.


Contact information

Include the contact details of the hiring manager or HR representative to address any questions or concerns.



The letter is usually signed by an authorized representative of the company or the hiring manager.

Job offer legal considerations

To avoid legal snafus, don’t use language that could create any unintended contractual obligations. It’s also important to include information about at-will employment if it applies to your jurisdiction. Explicitly state the company’s right to terminate employment at any time and for any lawful cause.

Job offer letter templates

Ready to write an offer letter? Try using Grammarly’s AI writing assistance to create a job offer letter template or draft. Here are two job offer letter templates that you can follow.

Standard job offer letter template

[Your company name]

[Your company address]

[City, state, zip code]


[Applicant’s name]

[Applicant’s address]

[City, state, zip code]

Dear [Applicant’s name],

We are delighted to extend an offer of employment for the position of [job title] at [your company name]. After careful review of your qualifications and experience, we are confident that you will be a valuable addition to our team.

As we discussed, your job title will be [job title]. Your first day of [full-time or part-time, temporary or permanent] work will begin on [start date]. After that date, your working hours will be [work schedule]. You will report to [supervisor/manager’s name].

As for compensation and benefits, you’ll start at [salary and compensation] with an opportunity for a salary change after your one-year review. Your benefits include [benefits and perks].

Please note that your employment with [your company name] is at will, which means that either you or [your company name] may terminate the employment relationship at any time and for any reason, with or without cause or advance notice.

Your employment with [your company name] is contingent upon the successful completion of any required background checks and verification of your eligibility to work in [country/region]. Additionally, you will be required to sign and comply with our company’s policies and confidentiality agreement.

Please indicate your acceptance of this job offer by signing and returning a copy of this letter by [acceptance deadline date] via email at [your email address].

We are excited to have you join our team, and we look forward to working with you to achieve our shared goals. Should you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [your phone number] or [your email address].

Congratulations once again on your new role, and we hope to receive a positive response from you.


[Your name]

[Your title]

[Your company name]

[Your email address]

[Your phone number]

Internship job offer letter template

[Your company name]

[Your company address]

[City, state, zip code]


[Applicant’s name]

[Applicant’s address]

[City, state, zip code]

Dear [Applicant’s name],

We are pleased to extend an internship offer for the position of [internship title] at [your company name]. After careful consideration, we’re confident you will be a valuable addition to our intern program.

Internship details:

Title: [internship title]

Start date: [start date]

Employment type and working hours: Part-time (approximately [number of hours] hours per week)

Schedule: [days and times of the week]

Hourly rate: [hourly wage]

Please note that your internship with [your company name] is on a part-time, at-will basis. This means that either you or [your company name] may terminate the employment relationship at any time and for any reason, with or without cause or advance notice.

Your internship with [your company name] is contingent upon the successful completion of any required background checks and verification of your eligibility to work in [country/region]. You will be required to sign and comply with our company’s policies and confidentiality agreement.

Please confirm your acceptance of this offer by signing and returning a copy of this letter by [acceptance deadline date] via email at [your email address].

We are excited to have you join our intern program. We look forward to training you. Should you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [your phone number] or [your email address].

Congratulations once again on your offer! We’re looking forward to this [semester or season] with you.


[Your name]

[Your title]

[Your company name]

[Your email address]

[Your phone number]

Job offer letter FAQs

What is a job offer letter?

A job offer letter is a formal written document issued by an employer to a selected candidate offering a specific job position. The job offer letter serves as an official confirmation of the job offer and is typically sent after the candidate has successfully gone through the interview process and the employer has decided to hire them for the role. Once the candidate accepts the offer by signing and returning the letter, it signifies their agreement to the stated terms and conditions.

What information is included in a job offer letter?

These are the thirteen key points to include in a job offer letter:

Welcome message

Job title

Job description

Salary and compensation

Start date

Employment type

Work schedule

Reporting structure

Terms and conditions

Benefits and perks

Confidentiality and company policies

Contact information


What are the legal factors to consider when writing a job offer letter?

These are the three major legal factors to consider when writing a job offer letter:

Unintended contractual obligations

Accurate statement of the terms and conditions of employment

At-will employment information

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8 job offer letter templates for every circumstance (Plus Tips) | Workable

8 job offer letter templates for every circumstance (Plus Tips) | Workable

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8 job offer letter templates for every circumstance with extra tips

Job offer letter templates are pre-designed formats that provide a structure for creating official job offers. They typically include essential details such as position, salary, start date, and benefits. These templates help streamline the process of creating and sending job offers to new employees.


Dimitris Drakatos

Finding the perfect hire isn’t easy. Most of the time you have to review a lot of resumes and see many candidates before you make a decision. And after all this effort, it’s time to send your job offer letter –  and you realize this is equally important to any other hiring stage since you have to make your job offer stand out to bring the best candidate on board.


What is a Job Offer?

What is included in a job offer?

8 job offer letter examples for any case:

Tips for making a job offer to candidate

How you can measure and improve your job offer acceptance rate

What is a Job Offer?

When a hiring team finds the right candidate, it usually contacts them in order to announce its decision and make a job offer. When the job offer is verbal, the hiring manager calls the selected candidate and lets them know they are offering them the position. Depending on the company’s policy and hiring process, the candidate will also receive the offer via email or in writing. A job offer to a candidate, whether it is made via phone or email, must be followed by a formal job offer letter where the details of the offer of employment are confirmed.

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What is included in a job offer?

A job offer letter from employer to employee should include:

Job title

Job description

Starting date

Work schedule

Reporting structure

Salary (Compensation Bonus or Commission)

Paid time off

Employee benefits

Privacy policies

Termination conditions

Depending on each situation, there are different job offer letters a company or a hiring manager can use. To help you send a job offer letter that will suit your needs, we collected eight sample job offer letter templates.

8 job offer letter examples for any case:

1. General job offer template

If you want a simple job offer letter sample, then this template is for you. This is a job offer email template you can use when you have found your perfect candidate and want to officially offer them a position. Feel free to customize it in order to include as many details as you think your candidate will want to know before making up their mind.

The general job offer template can be found here.

2. Formal job offer template

This formal job offer letter sample can be used when a company is offering a full-time position to the best candidate. The formal offer of employment includes a sample job offer email along with a formal job offer attachment that covers the most important terms of employment.

The formal job offer template can be found here.

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3. Informal job offer template

This job offer letter example enables your candidate to acknowledge your offer via email, and is just as official, but not as comprehensive as our formal offer letter format.

An email offer letter tends to be less formal and covers the most basic aspects of the job offer before sending a full offer letter. An offer letter email can include salary, an outline of benefits, and immediate next steps. Feel free to use this template when authoring a job offer email for any position.

The informal job offer letter can be found here.

4. Part-time to Full-time job offer template

Have you decided to change a part-time employee to full-time? Use this job offer template and modify it to suit your needs. Before you send a job offer, make sure to ask employees if they’d like to take on a full-time position. Then, send them a job offer email or letter detailing the new position.

The part-time to full-time offer letter template can be found here.

5. Internal job offer template

Sometimes it is common for companies to offer a new job opening to a current employee. Although this is an existing employee, the company still has to send an internal job offer to them in order to make this internal promotion official. This email should follow a discussion and verbal agreement between the employee and their current manager to ensure the promotion aligns with the employee’s career goals.

The sample job offer letter template for internal promotion can be found here.

6. Sales job offer template

Hiring salespeople? What better than sending a sales-customized job offer. This offer letter template for sales candidates contains placeholders where you can fill in your company’s data and you can also tweak the tone and modify employment terms.

The sales job offer template can be found here.

7. Developers job offer template

If you hiring a developer, use this template that includes tips on how to optimize your developer job offer letters, a sample job offer email and a sample formal job offer letter for developers. You can also customize employment terms or include a personalized message to your potential hire.

The developers job offer template can be found here.

8. The Workable job offer template

This is our very own job offer template. We use it for every formal job offer we send to selected candidates (aka Workablers!)

The Workable job offer letter email can be found here.

Tips for making a job offer to candidate

Making a job offer to a candidate seems simple at first glance: you create the offer letter, ask management to approve and send it to candidates. However, each of these steps requires time, effort and a good deal of coordination and care.

A few tips that will help you optimize your job offer process are:

Cover important job details before you start hiring

Make a job offer over the phone first

Use effective offer letter templates

Speed up the job offer approval process via recruiting software

For more details, read our complete guide with tips for making a job offer.

Further reading: How to write a standout job offer email

How you can measure and improve your job offer acceptance rate

What is offer acceptance rate?

Definition: An offer acceptance rate shows the percentage of candidates who accepted a formal job offer.

The job offer acceptance is a useful recruitment metric. A low rate (i.e. <40%) shows that something might be wrong with your talent acquisition strategies. On the other hand, a high acceptance rate (i.e. >90%) can indicate that there’s a good match between your company’s requirements and selected candidates’ expectations. Generally, a high offer to acceptance ratio is a combined result of good communication, reasonable and competitive offers, and good candidate experience.

So, it is important to send a very good job offer, but also receive an acceptance letter. Learn more about the acceptance rate and how to improve it in our comprehensive article.

Feel free to use a free job offer letter template from our list above, modifying it as you want to make it fit your needs and requirements.



12 time-saving email templates for recruiters

Simplify your offer letter approval process with Workable

Guide to a successful offer letter process



Frequently asked questions

What is an offer letter?

An offer letter is a formal document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment offered to a candidate who has been selected for a job position.

Is an offer letter legally binding?

Yes, an offer letter can be legally binding if it includes essential details such as job title, salary, start date, and any other terms and conditions agreed upon by both parties.

When should an offer letter be sent?

An offer letter should be sent after the candidate has successfully completed the interview process and a hiring decision has been made.

What should be included in an offer letter?

An offer letter should include important details such as the job title, compensation package, start date, work schedule, benefits, and any specific conditions or requirements.

Can an offer letter be negotiated?

Yes, an offer letter can be negotiated. Candidates can discuss certain aspects of the offer, such as salary or benefits, with the hiring company to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement.

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